What are xml sitemaps

Some people its consider XML Sitemaps as an optional, but things is that XML Sitemaps help in the indexation of your pages by providing a full list of URLs on your website as well as also provide other useful information to search engines about your site. its also helpful in canonical issue of the websites.there are three types of sitemaps
1. XML site map: XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines to       help them crawl your site better.
2. HTML site map : its for human visitor to allow navigate on your website.
3. TEXT site map: its having list of plan text URLS or your website.

Some more advantage of XML Sitemaps include:

* Its improve the crawl rate and indexation on a site.
* The crawling of newer content
* Spot problems
* In XML Sitemaps, we generally include all the URLs of our site to help search engines discover most   of  our URLs.

Where it to put:

The location of XML Sitemap can be  in root directory means (http://seoataffordable.blogspot.in/sitemap.xml) . If we have more than one sitemaps with some unique names.

Creating  XML Sitemap:

By using this tool you create your XML sitemaps easily as well as html sitemap and text sitemap. click here to generate XML sitemaps.

If you generate XML sitemaps successfully then its submit to webmaster tools like google, yahoo, bing.